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Creative Writing

After starting her career in NYC's competitive fashion industry, Shelby realized a passion for creative writing in her free time, and is now entering the competitive world of querying for a literary agent!


No stranger to long hours of hard work and creative pursuits, she likes to keep herself in a constant state of creating.

In addition to the manuscripts she is currently writing and illustrating, please see various short stories below:

Honorable Mentions

NYC Midnight 250 word challenge that received Honorable Mention! 

Prompt: Watering a garden; Must include the word "glass" Genre: Drama

After a mysterious confession is given at a Colonial Boston church, it’s hard to say what the patriots have planned next. Can the minister do what it takes to change the course of history?

NYC Midnight Short Story challenge that received Honorable Mention.

Prompt: Must include an heir and life insurance; Genre: Spy; 2500 word max

This was a 100 word Micro-fiction contest for NYC Midnight that received Honorable Mention. Genre: Suspense/Thriller

Action: digging a hole

Word to include: "super"

Short Stories

Shuttering perceptions, this story gives a unique point of view to urge the reader to appreciate the world around them in new and interesting ways. It tells the story of the bee photo I took, featured at the top of the piece.

At sunset on Faye's 18th birthday, she has to face the same secret dare as the other coming-of-age young adults in the village: to get as close to the fairy-filled valley as possible... before they transform into monsters.

A summer tradition of baking pie that is a recipe disguised as a short story.

An old woman remembers her husband, choosing to find the bits of happiness in the darker moments of life.

A heart shaped locket and a need for justice turns back time to before the dystopian rulers took over. Even the smallest action towards equality can make a huge difference in shaping our world for the better.

How my traumatic medical journey inspired a whimsical fashion collection with a unique mindset. 

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